I noticed recently that my iPhone battery life was between 15% and 20% less when I woke up in the morning than when I went to sleep.
Should work on all iPhones, iPads & iPod Touchs.
Unless I’m doing some serious sleep-surfing during the night this can only be automatic network activity.
So one night, I decided to enable Airplane Mode and what do ye know – my battery didn’t even go down by a single % the next morning.
When you think about it, using Airplane Mode at night makes great sense.
Unless you’re waiting on a call or have another specific reason to leave the antennas on then it has numerous benefits.
1. Your battery won’t dwindle away checking mail, etc during the night.
2. You cut out the network and wifi signals going through your brain (contentious issue – I know)
3. You can still check the time if you want by hitting the Home button. This is something you can’t easily do if you power off your iPhone completely.
4. Your iPhone’s alarm will still go off in the morning – assuming it’s not DST weekend! (another contentious issue Mr. Jobs)
5. You won’t get woken up by stray midnight callers.
In case you’re wondering how to do it -
Tap Settings > Airplane Mode > ON
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